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Home Services (Service tab).webp

Home Services

Applied Behavior Analysis is concerned with socially significant behavior. We offer comprehensive home services that aim to increase adaptive behavior while decreasing problem behavior. Home services include (but are not limited to) skill acquisition, life skills, and parent/caregiver collaboration and training.  

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School Services

Treatment plans for school services are curated in collaboration with the teachers, school psychologist, and other professionals as necessary. We believe in providing support that facilitates the least intrusive environment. School services include (but are not limited to) behavior management and adaptive skills.

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Community Services

Community services are provided in locations determined by the family or based on adaptive skill assessments. This service aims to facilitate extra-curricular activities such as sports, club participation, or religious classes. Programming is tailored to facilitate skill development for activities that promote child development.

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We provide a variety of assessments to assess skill sets and behavior. We conduct assessments in the home, school, or community setting. We conduct assessments including but not limited to functional behavior assessment, VB-MAPP, AFLS, PEAK, and ABLLS.



We provide consultation for home, school and community services. Consultations can be one time or continuous based on the clients needs. Consultations include case conceptualization, assistance with staff training, treatment and/or behavior plan development and program evaluation.

Intake Process

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